Physical Therapy Specialist

Natural Health Chiropractic & Wellness
Dr. Meaghan Clemens, D.C.
Chiropractor located in Naperville, IL
Physical therapy focuses on treating soft tissues in the patient’s body. Natural Health Chiropractic & Wellness offers this treatment option to patients with a variety of painful conditions, as well as to those who simply want to improve the function of their body as a whole. To make an appointment with chiropractor, Meaghan Clemens, DC, for physical therapy services, please contact her office in Naperville, Illinois, today.
Physical Therapy Q & A
What is physical therapy?
Physical therapy is a minimally invasive treatment option that seeks to improve the integrity and function of your fascia, ligaments, tendons, and muscles so that you can experience less pain and enjoy better overall function. During physical therapy sessions, you may:
- Participate in specific exercises
- Undergo passive physiotherapy treatments
- Learn how you can improve your condition at home
What types of treatments are included?
Natural Health Chiropractic & Wellness uses a variety of physical therapy treatments, including:
- Stretching and strengthening exercises
- Neuromuscular reeducation/proprioceptive training
- Electrical muscle stimulation
- Lumbar flexion distraction
In most cases, you will participate in several treatments during a single physical therapy session.
When is physical therapy appropriate?
Physical therapy can be beneficial to patients with a variety of problems. If you have an injury, for example, physical therapy can help you recover faster and prevent additional injuries in the future. You may also benefit from physical therapy if you struggle with chronic pain or certain medical conditions, such as arthritis. Before recommending physical therapy, Dr. Clemens will perform a thorough physical exam and review your medical history to determine if this treatment is appropriate.
How does Natural Health Chiropractic & Wellness use physical therapy?
When people experience pain, they often focus their treatments on the soft tissues only without addressing the bones underneath. Although this approach may provide short-term relief, the problem usually returns. Dr. Clemens treats the musculoskeletal system as a whole, combining physical therapy with other treatments that address the bones. The goal of treatment is to restore health and balance to the patient’s entire body.
Dr. Clemens knows that every patient is different, and she customizes all treatment plans to meet the needs of each individual.
Is physical therapy safe?
Physical therapy poses very few risks when it’s used properly. Dr. Clemens is an experienced chiropractor and she always tailors physical therapy programs to the patient’s individual needs and abilities. If you feel any pain or experience other problems during or after physical therapy sessions, inform Dr. Clemens immediately.